Update from the Leprosy Centre Manager – December 2021

The Kindwitwi Leprosy Patients Ward was founded when father Robin Lamburn, the Anglican Church Missionary from England came to Kindwitwi in 1963.  During this time of 1960s and 1970s there were no proper drugs to cure leprosy, instead they used drug called ‘Dap Son’ just to calm down the situation but sadly, not to cure. During that time there were many leprosy patients that they needed special care due to their illness and disabilities, which is why Father Robin built the wards for them.

There were many patients living in the wards, about 100 at one time. In the 1980s the Multi Drug Therapy (MDT) was developed and started to be used to cure of Leprosy where many leprosy patients were cured and left the Ward, few leprosy patients who had no relatives to care for them and they had disabilities were allowed to stay at the Wards for care. Currently we have 10 people living at the wards because they cannot care themselves and 12 people receiving partial care.  In the image above, you can see a photograph of one of our long term care patients taken on a recent trip to Kindwitwi by our local colleagues.

With my very best wishes to you all
