Education Sponsorship

Funding the education of young people who are the children and grandchildren of leprosy patients,or who are from very poor families, has been an important way that the Rufiji Leprosy Trust has sought to address some of the many barriers that people from Kindwitwi can often face.  As we know, perhaps even from our own experiences, access to high quality education and particular higher education can be life changing not only for the individual but for someone’s family as well.

In the image on the right hand side Rajabu poses with a friend at his secondary school in Utete back in 2017 when he was preparing to begin his higher education journey.

We are delighted to announce that in in December 2023, Rajabu Goboleni was awarded an upper second-class honors Bachelors Degree in Insurance and Risk Management from the Institute of Accountancy Arusha.  When Rajabu wrote his application for financial support to study, he stated that the reason he wanted to gain his degree was because it would allow:

“me to get a job and achieve my dreams. I will be able to support my family by providing their needs like food, clothes and shelter”

This is such a wonderful achievement and we offer our heartfelt congratulations to Rajabu for all of his hard work to attain this. We have no doubt that he will indeed go on to achieve his dreams!